The Best Moment of Your Relationship Starts NOW!!

No matter how great your romantic relationship is … it can grow & expand.  If your relationship is anything less than outrageously, fabulously, ridiculously passionate, enlivening and FREEING then there is an opportunity to move it upward.  Don’t you want a relationship that is like you always dreamed of?  It IS possible and together we can create that for YOUNOTE: Sometimes Love is simply not enough and a relationship truly no longer serves us … if you need clarity around that we can do that together also.  If you discover it is really time to move on then we can navigate doing that in an evolved and positive way that honors YOU.

New Romance

It is in the Beginning, when everything is New, that the future is set! If you want this relationship to last it is time to create it that way now!

How can You Assure It Stays NEW & Fresh?

Are you being REAL?  Any fears coming up?  Are you able to know what “signals” you are getting?  It doesn’t take long for most relationships to become “common”!  But they never has to become that.  The time to set your Relationship up to not only last, but also be vibrant and exciting is from the beginning!

Beginning to Lose the Passion

Beginning to notice that your time together isn't as Alive & full of Excitment as it was?

Putting the Passion Back is Always Possible!

Believe it or not … Your relationship can continue to get more exciting and passionate with each month and year vs. less.  If you have fallen for the myth that it is “just natural” for a relationship to lose it’s thrill then it is time for some coaching in how your relationship not only doesn’t have to look that way but can change NOW!

Time for Next Level

Maybe it is time for a deeper committment and instead you are in limbo ... time to move off the fence and move forward!

Is it time to Committ or Let Go?

Time to go from dating to a full commitment?  Time to have children?  Time to move?  Time to just stop living a day at a time and make REAL plans for the future of your relationship?  Real Deep Long lasting Relationships do not just happen … they are created.  Let’s create what you really want and have it happen!

Time is Just Passing

During a long relationship there may be things that you put on hold for a while ... Ready to take them off hold now?

Past the Hurdles and Ready for Newness?

The children are growing or grown, the careers and finances have stabilized and YOU are ready for the life and romance you have put on hold for years while all of that was happening, BUT don’t know how to transition to that?  How exciting!!!  Let’s go … time to hit the refresh button and spice it all up!!!

What You Can get out of Relationship Coaching with Me

  • Deep Connection and Intimacy

  • Lightness and Fun

  • Trust in Yourself and Your Partner

  • Communication that Expands your Love

  • Clarity about Staying or Going

  • How to End an Unworkable Relationship Postively

  • Freedom

What Client’s Say

My Wife and I were moving towards a divorce before coaching with Kym.  Now we are recommitted and beginning to enjoy a relationship that is even better than what we had when we were first dating!  Thank you, so much, Kym … we are both so grateful!

Lucas G

I had been dating my “boyfriend” for 5 years with no next step in sight.  I had reached a point where I had just given up that I would ever have the marriage and children that I really wanted.  With Kym by my side we have just returned from our honeymoon, we are looking for our dream home and we are excitedly talking about plans for children withing the year.  It is like a Miracle and Kym is the Miracle worker!

Katherine M

My husband & I have raised 2 great children and as they left the house I dreaded it.  What would my husband & I do?  Our whole life had been on hold for so many years … we didn’t even know who we were any more.  As for our relationship … we had become like roommates many years ago.  With Kym’s help we are both in love like kids again AND traveling and playing together.  Not only that but I have started the business I always wanted at the same time!

Susan H